Just got this important email from PVEA incuding info for sending letters to government - please send one soon + help impact BC's sustainable future!
Photo: Garth Lenz
Dear Sarah,
Photo: Garth Lenz
Dear Sarah,
Our efforts to stop Site C dam are having a strong impact!
“Site C isn’t a fait accompli…we’ll only decide to recommend it to cabinet if it is the best way to respond to (electricity) need. “ BC Minister of Energy, Bill Bennett, September 10, 2014,Vancouver Sun.
Clearly Minister Bennett is starting to see the light when it comes to Site C due to the information he is being presented with by a multitude of sources including you. Last week, a consortium of interests, representing industry, valley landowners as well as municipal, regional and First Nations governments held a press conference to inform government and British Columbians that Site C is NOT in their best interests!
“It’s going to have a legacy of wealth destruction…It’s going to sap the province’s ability to raise money and borrow money; to do other things, such as infrastructure, hospitals, schools – all the things we need to do.” Dan Potts, former executive director of the Association of Major Power Users of BC
Let’s build on this momentum! Let’s ensure that both the provincial and federal governments reach the right conclusion on Site C before it’s too late!
A decision on the environmental assessment for Site C is expected this fall. We need to make sure we’re heard NOW!
Please send a letter to Premier Christy Clark and Prime Minister Stephen Harper to ensure their governments say “NO” to Site C...
Say “NO” to:
- Wasting taxpayers’ money on a project that isn’t needed
- Destroying over 30,000 acres of unique Peace River Valley agricultural land that can feed a million British Columbians and will replace traditional food producing lands, now drought-ridden
- Expropriating multi-generational farm families from their homes and way of life
- Flooding First Nations’ gravesites and significantly impacting their ability to carry out rights guaranteed in their treaty
- Destroying over 17,000 acres of boreal forest plus wetlands, home to wildlife and migratory birds, some of which are endangered species
- Causing the complete loss of three species of fish in the Peace River and its tributaries
- Leaving future generations with a legacy of environmental destruction and massive debt
Send your letters to:
Thank you so much for your continuing support. Please send your letter NOW before it’s too late!Prime Minister Stephen Harper80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Fax: 613-941-6900
Email: stephen.harper@parl.gc.caPremier Christy ClarkPO Box 9041
Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, BC
V8W 9E1
Email: premier@gov.bc.ca
For the Peace,
Andrea Morison, Peace Valley Environment Association (PVEA)
Stop Site C http://www.stopsitec.org/