The fight to stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline from being built is going strong as KM hurls toward their May 31st deadline to decide. WE Cdns are cringing @ Justin Trudeau (ouR own PM!) desperately offering to bail out the Big Oil giant with billion$ of PUBLIC DOLLARS! Disgusting.. (He's supposed to be on OUR SIDE!)
Here's what the pipeline is expected to support: (Expansion of Tar Sands!)
Rainforest Rescue petition
THRU 350.ORG I wrote this letter to PM Trudeau:
PM Trudeau: Bailing out the Kinder Morgan pipeline = Canada's RUIN
Like many Canadians who wanted to 'Stop Harper', I was hopeful for a fresh, gReeneR way when you were elected Prime Minister. What Canadian wasn'T excited about a platform that promised reaL action on climate change, reaL Reconciliation with First Nations & an end to fossil fuel subsidies? Like the rest of the world, we've been waking up to the horrors humans conTinue to inflict on our environment --& our future. Science confirmed results of its most in-depth research on the past century of industry on the natural systems on which all life on Earth depends to live --30 years ago-- & we cannnoT aFFoRd to continue clearcutting life-sustaining forests & poisoning our air, earth & water by prevailing unsustainable means of agriculture, energy, industry, manufacturing ET AL..
We're now @ a critical crossroads --& YOU are the leader Canadians elected to take us out of the polluted darkness into the lighT: AWAY from corporate-sponsored, unlimited (+ unlivable) 'convenience'/ 'growth'/ pollution/ profiTs/ waste.. & TOWARD livable, sustainable processes that put requisite RENEWAL/SOWING back into aLL WE REAP --before it's too late..
WE CANNOT ACCEPT that your government now wants to use biLLion$ of public dollars to build a massive climate-disturbing pipeline that supports toxic Tar-Sands expansion, withouT Indigenous consent!???
WE ARE DEPENDING ON YOU, JUSTIN TRUDEAU & Co., to act in OUR best interests & serve YOUR public as promised! If you continue to back this destructive project, you wiLL LOSE THE RESPECT, SUPPORT & TRUST OF THE CANADIAN PUBLIC..
OUR EYES ARE OPEN: this generation is NOT FOOLED BY YESTERDAY'S STATUS-QUO/ BIG-BIZ BS: OUR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE STARTS NOW --by transitioning out of Climate-warming GHG-emitting processes like deforestation & fossil-fuel extraction/ use into renewable-energy innovation & reduced-footprint sustainability-- OR NEVER.. (Please DO NOT let us down!)
You can write a letter too -- @ this link:
Here's what the pipeline is expected to support: (Expansion of Tar Sands!)
Rainforest Rescue petition
THRU 350.ORG I wrote this letter to PM Trudeau:
PM Trudeau: Bailing out the Kinder Morgan pipeline = Canada's RUIN
Like many Canadians who wanted to 'Stop Harper', I was hopeful for a fresh, gReeneR way when you were elected Prime Minister. What Canadian wasn'T excited about a platform that promised reaL action on climate change, reaL Reconciliation with First Nations & an end to fossil fuel subsidies? Like the rest of the world, we've been waking up to the horrors humans conTinue to inflict on our environment --& our future. Science confirmed results of its most in-depth research on the past century of industry on the natural systems on which all life on Earth depends to live --30 years ago-- & we cannnoT aFFoRd to continue clearcutting life-sustaining forests & poisoning our air, earth & water by prevailing unsustainable means of agriculture, energy, industry, manufacturing ET AL..
We're now @ a critical crossroads --& YOU are the leader Canadians elected to take us out of the polluted darkness into the lighT: AWAY from corporate-sponsored, unlimited (+ unlivable) 'convenience'/ 'growth'/ pollution/ profiTs/ waste.. & TOWARD livable, sustainable processes that put requisite RENEWAL/SOWING back into aLL WE REAP --before it's too late..
WE CANNOT ACCEPT that your government now wants to use biLLion$ of public dollars to build a massive climate-disturbing pipeline that supports toxic Tar-Sands expansion, withouT Indigenous consent!???
WE ARE DEPENDING ON YOU, JUSTIN TRUDEAU & Co., to act in OUR best interests & serve YOUR public as promised! If you continue to back this destructive project, you wiLL LOSE THE RESPECT, SUPPORT & TRUST OF THE CANADIAN PUBLIC..
OUR EYES ARE OPEN: this generation is NOT FOOLED BY YESTERDAY'S STATUS-QUO/ BIG-BIZ BS: OUR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE STARTS NOW --by transitioning out of Climate-warming GHG-emitting processes like deforestation & fossil-fuel extraction/ use into renewable-energy innovation & reduced-footprint sustainability-- OR NEVER.. (Please DO NOT let us down!)
You can write a letter too -- @ this link: