iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

November 1, 2021

To Canada's Climate deniers..

With the U.N. Climate Change Conference - COP26 - under way, this time in Glasgow (with Canadian PM Trudeau's presence belying our country's worse-than-ever dearth of Climate-Action progress) I feel obligated to consolidate local focus on some prevailing, relevant truths from those with the inside edge - i.e. the scientists on the frontlines of climate studies - (a) in emails with Sierra Club BC, below (b) Comments on articles such as the one reporting Extinction Rebellion's latest 'die-in' protest, here: 

Link to Vancouver Sun article

YOU & the blind 'majority' need to realize extinction & downgrade of Nature's ecosystems has been the creeping, insidious adjunct of human activity/industry since the start of the Industrial Revolution, with the worst of it concentrated in the past 2 decades - as officially confirmed by the world's top scientists - despite urgent warnings of the dire consequences of rising GHG emissions caused by polluting industries like agriculture/ logging (deforestation), mining (fossil fuels/ pollution) etc.

Science has also outlined specific counteractions we can (& must) take to mitigate & reverse outcomes such as climate change / global warming - eg. Reducing GHGs & ending deforestation of our oldest ecosystems (i.e. 'Lungs of the Earth', along with Brazil's Amazon rainforest).  Ignoring Science's calls to action exacerbates the worst effects - yet that's exactly what our leaders have done from day 1, with catastrophic results like wildfires diminishing our defences & putting whole populations at risk!

The global Climate Conference is again upon us, at which Canada - once again - must report our woeful failure to meet EVERY commitment made to IPCC-led GHG goals:  i.e. We're NOT 'doing our part' per climate action by honing the most ecocidal industries (like LNG/ TarSands) instead of transitioning to the eco-forward options available in every sector.

None of this comes solely from me/ the 'minority' - it's globally-acknowledged Science SPELLING OUT our obligations & responsibilities of the most urgent order, which we'd be fools to downplay and/or dismiss.

(Nature iS our sole provider that holds the keys to our future survival & signals how & where we're lacking/remiss:  we need to heed her messages, else follow our leaders off the cliff like lemmings)

NOW, here's Sierra Club's important email to me (my response below that, & Elisabeth's reply below mine):

B.C. old-growth announcement confirms ecological emergency 

Dear Sarah,

Your hard work, calls, emails and ongoing pressure is working.  Finally, the B.C. government has released new information and mapping on the state of old-growth forests in B.C. that confirms what we have been saying all along: we are in an ecological emergency.  Thanks to thousands of people like you, the B.C. government identified 2.6 million hectares of the most at-risk old-growth forests that require deferrals. But the government offered little details on when those deferrals will take place.

Because we've been told false promises before, Sierra Club BC remains very concerned about the lack of certainty on how the province will ensure that all logging companies in B.C. pause logging in the areas identified. Also noted is the lack of funding for Indigenous Nations and forestry workers that would enable a paradigm shift in how we manage forests.  Jens Wieting, our Senior Forest and Climate Campaigner explains:

“The work by the technical advisory panel shared today by the B.C. government shows the province’s ecological emergency in unprecedented detail and pinpoints which old-growth forests need immediate interim protection. Despite delays, it’s not too late to use this new mapping to stop the ongoing destruction of the most at-risk old-growth forests and implement the paradigm shift towards ecological integrity while respecting Indigenous jurisdiction,”

“Making the paradigm shift a reality will depend on quickly offering clarity on where and when the next logging deferrals will hit the ground and what level of support communities can count on. Without these steps, today’s announcement would be equivalent to adding tigers to the red-listed species, but not ending the hunt immediately."

The good news is that we no longer have to argue with government and industry about how much old growth is left. But with only $12 million in capacity funding for Indigenous Nations while they make decisions on logging deferrals in their territories, today’s announcement falls short on giving communities a safe and clear path to safeguarding ancient and intact forests.

We didn't see any financing to support forestry workers and there was no information on financing for Indigenous-led conservation solutions. Making the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples a reality requires adequate funding to give Indigenous Nations a real choice when it comes to ending destructive resource extraction on their lands and waters.

We don't want you to think it's all doom and gloom. Another bright spot in today's announcement is that the province announced that BC Timber Sales will stop selling logging licenses in the most at-risk forests that were identified. BC Timber Sales controls one-fifth of logging in the province, meaning this step should result in interim protection for about 500,000 hectares of the most at-risk old-growth forests.  Of course, there's always a caveat and Jens warns:

“Without binding mechanisms for all operators, there is a risk that the new mapping could unleash a race to the bottom if operators decide to cut down the identified at-risk forests before interim protection is in place."

For now, ancient trees will continue to fall but it's important to remember that our efforts are working.  The progress is not as fast as we would like, and it's not time to rest on our laurels.  But we need to celebrate the fact that today's announcement is a step in the right direction, and it wouldn't have happened without you and thousands of people around the globe who love this place and want to change our relationship with forests.

For the last year, international news from B.C. has been about police violently arresting forest defenders to clear the path for clearcutting some of the last old-growth forests on Southern Vancouver Island. The world is watching from the UN COP 26 conference in Glasgow and elsewhere, eagerly waiting for news on when at-risk old-growth forests in B.C. will be truly protected.

Thanks for being part of our community.  Every voice is needed - especially yours.


Elisabeth NobleManager of Donor Engagement

(My reply to that email:)

Thanks for this Elisabeth – & while it’s good to hear the BC Govt’s latest announcements, I trust by now we’ve all learned that their words (almost without exception) have meant exactly ZERO vis-à-vis their claimed ‘paradigm shift’, i.e. Real changes in the forests/ on the ground.. As Jens Weiting said, Without binding mechanisms for all operators, there is a risk that the new mapping could unleash a race to the bottom if operators decide to cut down the identified at-risk forests before interim protection is in place..” – May I be so bold as to suggest that scenario is ALREADY HAPPENING, RE-confirming your subject-line’s EMERGENCY like a delayed siren & demanding extra renewed efforts to make Govt honor their intentions, B4 it truly iS too late~!?

With Govt delays making a mockery of their Old-Growth Panel’s URGENT recommends, I strongly feel NOW is the critical time to consolidate all individual, disparate initiatives (eg. in your Action Takers Guide) into an ALL-IN concentrated & coordinated push (pref. in alliance with other forest-defending org’s!) that UPS THE ANTE on DESIRED RESULTS:  I.E. Ensuring Govt’s permanent legislated protections for our old-growth forests.. ASAP.  We need to show Horgan’s govt. their words have lost all credibility – while more At-Risk forests are lost forever thanks to Govt’s total absence of supportive actions!?

We forest defenders have been valiantly doing aLL we can – taking actions, on repeat – for months/ years, to no real avail besides Govt’s endless intentions stated over actual ACCELERATED CLEARCUTS/ DEFORESTATION:  continuing more of the same will presumably prove as pointless!?  If we don’T increase pressure NOW & show Govt. we REFUSE TO LOSE (led by  non-profits we support) we risk losing our priceless Old-Growth ecosystems forever.. & THAT is unthinkable.


In solidarity, SC.

(& Elisabeth's response to mine:)

Hi Sarah,


We completely agree.  The work is not happening fast enough.  But I really do think there is some hope.  No question we will lose more ancient forests…but everyone who we know in government says this is the most pressure and momentum they’ve ever seen in their lives.  Changes are coming, some old growth will be protected permanently, and we cannot let them off the hook.


We are already seeing “The Sky is Falling” type Op-Eds from the Steelworkers and ResourceWorks.  Now is definitely the time to call your MLA, thank them, and make sure they know you’re not giving up and will continue to hold them accountable!


Thank you so much for sending in a donation and for your work on the front lines.  I’ve only been out for a few days – never overnight.  So grateful for everyone who is stepping up to the plate.


Elisabeth Noble, CFRE

Manager of Donor Engagement

Sierra Club BC

Lekwungen Territory

Inspiring generations to defend nature and confront climate change, so families, communities and the natural world can prosper together.