(You can too - in fact, PLEASE DO: For justice! Here's the link from the aws Wilderness Committee: https://www.wildernews/ChannelYrRage
& here's my letter, for inspiration:
I'm writing to express my profound horror that you & TC Energy back the BC-RCMP's deplorable treatment / trespassing of Wet’suwet’en 1st Nations to make way for your (CGL) pipeline : Whatever you may believe/ were told by the BC-NDP, THESE are the FACTS:
●Article 10 of U.N.D.R.I.P. (UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which BC HAS instated) is V clear that “Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories": NOW U KNOW
●RCMP action on Wet’suwet’en territory is a shameful violation of Indigenous rights & ignores the Supreme Court of Canada ruling that recognizes Aboriginal title TO THAT AREA
●Pointing machine guns at unarmed women & journalists is totally unacceptable! These officers must be held accountable for putting civilians at risk & continuing to use force where they have NO JURISDICTION
●That the RCMP saw fit to carry out this crass operation on behalf of a gas pipeline co. EXACTLY WHEN emergency resources were needed for flood relief in southern BC proves who the force - & YOUR CO. - prioritize (& it's NOT US BCers!)
●TC Energy has exhibited nothing but entitled arrogance since starting this "economic dud" (experts' words, not mine) - a reckless endeavor which belies ALL science re. Fracking/ LNG: I.E. it's polluting, uneconomical, unsustainable.. & ruins ANY chance we have at meeting BC's/ Canada's climate goals
PLEASE: Quit acting like you're God's gift to BC (you're not even BCer-approved, let alone lawful.. or even liked!) DO THE RIGHT THING & STAND DOWN. Leave Wet’suwet’en territory & the Yintah - as you were asked, by its rightful leaders/ residents, many times. Abide by the Courts & allow the Chiefs to exercise their sovereignty - before you spark an ugly war.. (YOU are the criminals here, & will lose!)
Consider yourselves warned, by just 1 of the MANY who support the Wet’suwet’en people defending their hereditary lands from your diabolical operations.
FYI: informed BCers oppose ALL fracking, LNG & new FossilFuel projects in this province. So you know.
Thank you very much.