iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

September 17, 2021


Please see my Letter to Govt. (also posted to this blog) OPPOSING their heinous Wolf Cull program - @ this link:

I Oppose BC's UNETHICAL WoLF CuLL: Letter 2 Govt

Culling protected urban wildlife like these cherished coyotes in Stanley Park is NOT a solution to the "problem" (?) of wildlife in our parks, it's yet another abhorrent sign that elected officials are UNFIT to govern this once-thriving province; their every decision spells 'FAIL' for our biodiversity, our precious old-growth forests & our very own Stanley Park urban paradise..

Even Conservation Officers are FAILING US by acting with psychopathic insensitivity toward the many beloved species with which we share our home - for as any true, legit Conservationist knows, CULLING IS NEVER THE ANSWER!

Where's the RESPECT for Nature & all its variety of species (Flora AND Fauna), which Conservationists (& BCers) have a long-held & proud tradition of HONOURING?  Now, instead of prioritizing co-existence with all BC's endemic wildlife (as their jobs dictate) they think nothing of setting barbaric LEG-HOLD TRAPS (which should have been banned years ago) & MASS-MURDERING these blameless creatures, when they should be doing everything in their power to PROTECT THEM, per our Constitution?

What happened to the City's plan to amend Park hours to close it to the public from dusk to dawn - LIKE EVERY OTHER PARK IN BC??  They didn't even TRY to enforce that policy!  Instead, we were suddenly informed of some ridiculously ill-advised 'Malkin Bowl' concerts planned for AFTER-DARK HOURS in Stanley Park!!?  Talk about hypocrites!!!

I'm with Bryan [Adams] 100% - TRAPPING & KILLING urban wildlife is an utterly ABHORRENT, MINDLESS decision by an inept govt. that's woefully OUT OF TOUCH with what makes Vancouver LIVABLE!  Having a giant forest paradise in our midst -- along with other parks & beaches & numerous natural wonders -- inevitably brings abundant urban wildlife to these areas. It's one of the greatest joys of living here, & the vast majority of residents are ON BOARD WITH 'doing our bit' to nurture & respect the thriving biodiversity around us. NOT by feeding/luring them irresponsibly of course, but by enjoying them from afar & LEAVING THEM BE!

The few who act in ignorance -- acclimatizing wildlife to human conflicts/attacks -- should be seen as the problem that needs fixing -- i.e. NOT THE FAULT OF BLAMELESS ANIMALS with whom we've coexisted happily for decades!!? "Getting rid of" ANY of them is unthinkable.

Stanley Park is our JEWEL, & as such should be a protected park, NOT A FREE-FOR-ALL FOR TOURISTS TO ABUSE & DESECRATE!!? Invading its peaceful serenity with inhumane LEG-HOLD TRAPS (which could easily hurt other creatures, not just coyotes) & terrorizing every lifeform sheltered in this forest sanctuary VIOLATES its every purpose & PUTS OUR CITY ON THE MAP OF SHAME!

It's nothing short of an indecent act of terrorism by govt. officials who've lost touch with the limits of their "power" as public servants.. 

PS. If we can't train/inform the population, how can we enjoy our city?  Problem is, people can't be BOTHERED to teach each other to coexist with nature - which is their lame excuse for doing what's "easier" & KILLING OFF whole groups of species in which they've NO BUSINESS INTERFERING!?  That's not progress, it's IGNORANCE!  Canada's constitution enshrines protection of native wildlife - which our govts forget in their blind rush to "get rid of" inconveniences that make our world LIVABLE.. (Wish we'd get rid of THEM, they're making OUR city UNLivable!!)  Fact is, coyotes are V helpful for balancing ecosystems like Stanley Park.. so we're better off learning to live with them, not harming/ killing them.. (We've harmed Nature enough - to the point that our biodiversity & ecosystems & environments are downgrading, FAST.

We need to instill healthy respect for ALL nature's lifeforms in every resident/visitor of BC.  MODIFYING OUR BEHAVIOUR, NOT CULLING WILDLIFE, IS THE ANSWER TO HUMAN-BROUGHT PROBLEMS.