iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

August 13, 2021

Latest letter#11 to BC-NDP govt.

Dear Premier Horgan and Minister of Forests Kristine Conroy, 

When you launched CleanBC in 2018, I applauded your plans to confront the Climate Emergency. But 3 years later, I’m concerned that B.C. is failing to implement adequate climate action to protect our future!! 

Fact is, emissions in B.C. keep rising. CleanBC's initiatives are obvs noT bold enough to achieve the 2030 target of 40% below 2007 emissions. Time to ACT.. 

It's V clear we won’T meet climate targets iF we keep expanding fossil fuel developments & allowing clearcut logging of our vital Old-Growth forests! With so much of our forests burned by fire, logging should be kept to harvesting burned trees only (as they've only 2 years to do so!) 

The O&G industry produces 20% of B.C.’s emissions - yet contributes only 3% to GDP! - & LNG Canada is set to become BC's largest point source of C02 emissions, crushing all hope of meeting our 2030 & 2050 targets.. 

And exports of LNG/ coal will keep adding to the world’s cumulative emissions inventory, exacerbating global warming to unlivable levels.

 Subsidies to fossil fuel projects are nixing all chances of reaching our climate targets! 

This summer’s royalty review should address & correct the current royalty regime & the hugely generous Deep Well Royalty Credit, which do nothing to benefit the public.. 

The International Energy Agency’s 'Net Zero by 2050' report calls on the world to rapidly wind down ALL O&G extraction & add no new developments: B.C. must do its part by putting the brakes on the planned LNG export industry expansion - for starters..

 Independent research shows B.C. must strengthen & pass key policies to uphold its climate commitment. You must respond to the Climate Emergency by: 

●Committing to a managed decline of fracked gas production/ exports --> a just transition for workers & communities; 

●Ensuring the O&G royalty review is fair, independent & tasked with eliminating fossil fuel subsidies; 

●Committing to protection of all BC's intact OldGrowth forests (which you agreed are Worth More Standing) & mandate logging co's to end their disastrous practice of clearcutting/ replanting/ spraying which is causing & spreading BC wildfires; 

●Accelerating the 100% zero-emission vehicle sales mandate from 2040 to 2030; 

●Increasing the low carbon fuel standard to reduce carbon intensity by 40% by 2030; 

●Requiring all industries to respect the rights & title of Indigenous Peoples AND avoid damaging/ harming BC's wildlife & their all-sustaining habitats. Science has unanimously warned THIS is the crucial decade for Climate Action - as you'd know if you consulted with leading-edge scientists rather than biased industry lobbyists!!? 

UNFORTCH we won’T meet our urgent biodiversity/ climate targets while honing SAME-OLD export-directed forestry, LNG, O&G & ecocidal/ extractive industries & projects - as Australia & California learned too late.. 

I implore you to move from promises to ACTION in these crucial next few months - ie. Ensure B.C. does its part in responding to the Climate EMERGENCY in ways that protect people, nature & our (kids') future: NOTHING is more important now! 

Sincerely, [your name will go here]

[your email address will go here], 

[your location will go here] 

CC: Bruce Ralston, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation Premier and George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy