iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

August 13, 2021


 (My reply to another short-sighted article LINK 2 ARTICLE that slams Canada's indigenous policies while promoting our most destructive & polluting practices..)  WHERE DOES IT END?  Well, here's the Big Pic kids..

Canada's 'resource-based' economy = extracting/ logging/ mining (STEALING), by THE most destructive, non-renewable & unsustainable methods, the natural 'resources' that sustain us (that we need to live) to supply other 'starter' economies around the globe with THEIR means to become self-destructing extinction cultures like ours -- & sustain the wealthiest co's/ people so THEIR (polluting & prodigious) needs are met!??

To illuminate this sick (doomed) scenario, see what dictator Pres. Bolsonaro & co. are doing in Brazil right now: driving indigenous native people from their territories; grabbing land/stealing Amazon rainforest to re-purpose for beef cattle, mining etc.; & igniting the last pristine 'Lungs of the Earth' while lining their accounts with the profits.. 

Well guess what?  That's exactly the basis for Canada's economy -- only we're much further along than Brazil, catching up to economies older than ours which are now mostly barren desert, by continuing those same ecocidal industries apace - despite science's dire & repeated warnings.. 

One would think we'd learn from past mistakes, as those former 'star' empires struggle now with droughts & famine & water shortages, having raped THEIR 'natural resources' that enriched THEIR long-dead ruling elite centuries before..

Canada's been among the world's richest economies for barely 150 years & look at the predicted results!  Our lying, thieving leaders have betrayed us -- & we're dumb enough to keep accepting the 'status quo''s continuation instead of wisely choosing ethical green leaders who'll make the changes needed to restore our forests (if there's any old-growth left) & make a viable future for our kids.. & their kids..!!???