iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

January 20, 2021

To Trumpers who feel gyp'd & "SAD" yr big pouty baby's OUT..

Frankly, I'm shocked @ those expressing SADNESS (!) that our precious #environment -- nature's #ecosystems that sustain all #LifeOnEarth -- will be BETTER OFF with President Biden at the helm!!?  Eg. Biden's 1st priority = REVIVE key #ecoprotections Trump (a confirmed #ClimateDenier ffs!) OVERTURNED in favor of more tax cuts for the rich & more crazy #militaryspending!!?

The ONLY FRAUD = GOP fuelling lies, paranoia, riots & violence against peaceful protesters fighting toxic #bigotry.. (Isn't a citizenry that wants #equalityforall a far better prospect than MORE police brutality, misogyny & misinformation? Come ON!) 

Face it, the cruel #confederates losT the waR a loooong time ago - Americans need to stand up for #justice, not pretend while actually hating/ punishing all who disagree with their corporate-pandering policies that further degrade the disenfranchised & diminish our green spaces!!?

America was buiLT by immigrants like you (unless you're 1st Nations, in which case it's a MIRACLE you've survived all the bigotry, hatred, shame & violence to which your people have been mercilessly subjected since Confederation~!)  So it's TIME Americans were made to FACE their divisive mistakes of the past - eg. disgracing the #Constitution with unlawful acts of discrimination, segregation & violence - to enable a new, hopeful era in which ALL citizens work together to PUSH for equality (for aLL species - including the poor animals wrongfully used & abused by humans for consumption/ entertainment ETC.) & RESPECT for our natural ecosystems that sustain us..