iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

May 29, 2020

WhaT COVID-19 waRns us aLL..

(& HOW best to respond)

It should be noted that most flu pandemics (SARS, COVID-19 etc.) have arisen from humans' invasive expLoiTaTion of important wildlife species & their habitats where we HAVE NO BUSINESS encroaching -- for food, medicine or any other QUACK purpose invented by misguided/ misinformed/ mistaken humans.

Bats, like all non-human individuals, bring irreplaceable & unique benefits to their native ecosystems. They need PROTECTION from invasive humans before they too are driven to #extinction!  EVERY LEGIT SCIENTIST in the world will say the same thing:  that eating meat is bad 4 our health (& bad for the #environment) - IF not THE leading cause of illness in humans!!?

Everyone needs to do their part & Go Vegan -- I did, years ago, & it was the easiest transition I ever made!  But I digress --it's not just about DIET it's about living consciously, AWARE that even your innocuous-looking piece of meat has its origins in suffering & violence --& eating meat SUPPORTS such harmful, UNenlightened relationships with what I call our 'creature cousins'! (Best to respect Big Mama #Nature).

In fact we aLL have a responsibility to steward Earth's biosphere & aLL lifeforms therein, not only for our own heaLth but for future generations' survivaL!?  WhaT's not to get, this info is fundamental to existence?  If we don't protect our precious #biodiversity (eg. by #SpeciesAtRisk laws/ divesting from FossilFuels..) we put future generations @ risk of extinction!!?  Arguing & ignoring basic science (as our corrupt Govts do) only exposes our 'leaders' as liars..

Except NOW, the stakes are so high (with Climate Change set in) that govt. corruption/ ignorance/ inaction is causing irreversible TOTAL breakdown of Nature's delicate balance (already teetering on the edge, due to humans' destructive/ exploitative/ greedy/ insensitive RAPE of Nature's bounty..)

If only the Europeans who came to Canada had respected, listened to & foLLowed #1stNations' stewardship of nature, built up over millenia to ensure thriving forests/waters/wilds for ongoing longevity & health well into the future..