{THIS is America for ya!}
a C.H.A.R.A.D.E.
PRoudLy fabRicaTed in the USA by
MAGA-spewing cuLTisT Reps in
whose TRaiLeR TRAP is perched their
- LowesT Low-LiFe POTUS -
his GREED PARADE TRoLLing streets,
Tweeting Tweets, RoLLing over
Rights of Peops..
& TRaiLing TRash thru
eveRy STATE he meeTs:
a Trumpian cavaLcade of CREEPS.
But that was THEN & this, retardedly, is NOW:
For better? NO FOR WORSE!
1st TeRM was just a dRiLL to soften
all the No-Minds of the 50 states
(while GUTTing eveRy Eco-Law Trump could lay his greasy miTTs on)
& he found it'S'EEAZY bein'
Top Dog as a wiLLing COG in a
system gone insanely ROGUE..
But HOW could any self-respecting NaTioN LET this charlatan
RUN for office, with all the power & the privilege it entaiLs?
Ask an average Joe-Bob & you'll prob hear "Trump is funny!" OR
"he's COOL!" - without ONE SMART FACT backing up their claims!
Either most Americans are spoiled,
or they haven't a CLUE.. or they've Lost the will (and/or ability)
Why else would they be happy to be
Led like Lemmings down the
Road to Ruin by a vengeful EX
with an axe to grind, who'd stop @ nothing to achieve HIS 'goals'?!
Either THAT, or the Trump-team
rigged the last Election, with help
from Musk & all his buds,
so their fake friend won on
false pretense! COURSE, noone questions
THIS old F'ELon's 2nd TIME in
OFFICE, scared it might upset the
status-quo & dRop their iLL-goT gains
Seems American minds WERE
PRIMED to further bend into submission by the new-age FascisTs of the modern
(the moneyed criminals
who run things = Culprits of the
Climate Change that puts us aLL in
ever-deeper periL - & SHOULD PAY)
Guess that's just a pipe-dream
now that Circus T-Rump's back from laying Round 2 on all their frenemies- who coulda SHAMED the orange CLown into obLivion, & instead made 's campaign of All Things Nice into fuel for T's misogyny! Her lack of fight - & moraKl high-ground - ensured the Dems LOST LARGE
So half the States at leasT
now live in fearof 4 long years
with that dishonest PUTZ as Prez, sure of 1 thing only: that he'll bungle. Big-Time
(As before)
- Nothing like experience to teach what to expect! - & there's nothing they can do to make it right!
Yes SisTir: a true disaster!
Read 'The Art of the Deal' to learn how knowing Trump - a self-inflating LIAR who didn't even write the book of which its actual author
Tony Schwartz said it's the
"biggest regret of his life"
is to hate him appare - a man who constantly seeks to credit himself with others' wins - & denies stuff he's actually done!
I couldn't make this stuff up if I TRIED (now please don't say you weren't apprised!)