iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

January 28, 2019

We OWE WiLdLiFe this proTected NationaL paRK!

(LeTTR 2 Minister Catherine McKenna, Govt. of Canada)


I am writing to support the creation of Canada's newest National Park in BC's South Okanagan.  I feel this is the very crux of our future direction for the benefit of all species, to ensure the health of our air, land & waters for generations to come..

I urge you to pounce on this opportunity to shape the vision for Canada's newest National Park, in the South Okanagan-Similkameen region of British Columbia -- home to the most endangered ecosystem in the world, of which less than 10% of historic grassland ecosystems remain in their natural state.

I feel it is our DUTY, as responsible stewards of Canada going forward, to help create a legacy in our own backyard that will contribute to global grassland conservation, protect habitat for an abundant diversity of species and secure important wildlife-movement corridors in an ever-changing climate.

Park boundaries must be based on the best available science, and supported by the First Nations within whose traditional territories this National Park Reserve will be established.

All decisions related to the establishment, management, and operation of this National Park Reserve must prioritize ecological integrity.  Key areas for connectivity/ biodiversity adjacent to the current proposal, specifically in the White Lake basin, should be considered for future protection + special management, and incorporated as crucial supporting components of the management of this National Park Reserve.

Please do whatever you can to bring this proposal to fruition, including engagement/ cooperation/ commitment of all relevant bodies to complete the process and reach a legally binding agreement for the permanent establishment of this National Park Reserve.

You may call on me at any time, at any stage, to help realize this Park's success however I can..

Thank you for your urgent attention to this critical matter.

Sarah Chesterman
Vancouver, BC

& as i commented recently on the Park's website, NOTHING is more crucial than protecting our forests, parks, waters & wildlife habitats from development/ industry/ RUIN..  the fight of our lives i've been @ 10+yrs --the onLy wIN worth EVeRyThing.. (Time 2 get 'STuck In' --cuz "it's too late" don't mean a thing but FAIL/FOOL 2 our children, if their legacies are less than what we happily received:  a wild Paradise yet 2 show the ill effects of human greed if left 2 breed & seed without a fight..)
It's noT too late 2 win the good fight if we give back Nature what we've reaped, creating havens/habitats like these..