iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

May 10, 2013

My response to THE DEATH OF TRUTH by Chris Hedges...

Here's the article on
Hedges' Death of Truth

As mentioned, many of these sickly 'secrets' ALREADY came out, in 2010. Are they worse than what came out about the WWII camps? Russian totalitarianism? African slavery? aboriginal genocide? religious rape-and-pillage? apartheid? British imperialism? China's pollution? Truth gets out - with or without WikiLeaks - & it ALWAYS shows how those in 'power' betray their own with evil agendas, manipulative lies, tyranny ETC... using the money & power vested in them and/or stolen from their own. And when these gross testaments to corruption ARE revealed - AFER THE FACT - the humiliated 'host' country's public is usually absolved in a show of global understanding, while their traitorous 'leaders' are targeted & turned out...

Maybe what the U.S. leaders really fear is dissolution of unnatural/unnecessary hierarchies (i.e. world peace)?

If the internet has taught us anythng, it's that most people - regardless of petty differences like race, religion, etc. - aim to get along with others & help their fellow humans make a better world. Wars have proven CATASTROPHIC over time (however we're convinced otherwise by divisive warmongers): crippling repercussions of decisions by controlliers... The sick joke is, even dire disasters can be traced not to elevating inspiration by noble specimens of greatness but to crimes against humanity committed out of desperation/ fear/ paranoia/ psychosis;: the inevitable danger/ stupidity of having too few control too many.

This Wiki-Gate seems unique in that, FOR ONCE, we the '99%' are getting glimpses into America's weaknesses - BEFORE any rash decisions can set off more 'unprecedented' misery. We - not just Mr. Assange - are, as Hedges says, 'IN LIMBO', watching fascinated as the Empire is exposed & reduced by its own hyperbolic terror. WE have the upper hand, armed with rare 20/20 foresight~! Do we turn the tables on centuries of bungling abuse/ mis-rule/ treachery while we can? WELL.. YA!! (duh?)

Rather than jump on bandwagons built by our controlling 'cons' - regardless of 'nationality' & such BS man-made constructs (cuz we've ALL been HAD by has-beens green-lighting every dirty demand of the polluting 'global elite') - we need to join in global solidarity, get those greedy geezers grovelling, & say "ENOUGH!!" We'll turn the tables on the politicians & won't let go til every item on our 'List' is GRANTED...

At the top, i trust, will be curtailment of the worst offenses ravaging our/ kids'/ grandkids' futures, starting with deforestation & continuing thru sustainable transition:  the only way to guarantee thriving futures free from added handicaps filling our horizons (& our history books)...