[First, the FACTS - please read:
http://liberationbc.org/issuescat/the-canadian-seal-hunt/ ]
Second - SO U know: i'm a diehard activist/ animal-rights advocate/ 'Earth-warrior'/ eco-activist whose first forays into activism over a decade ago began with the Stop Canada's Seal Hunt campaign -- which i've been actively supporting ever since.. (Doesn't say much for my activist's skills i realize.. but I'm still learning - ALWAYS learning!) but this issue has almost every activist/citizen/animal-lover STUMPED: WHY IS THIS DISGUSTINGLY CRUEL, ATROCIOUS, POINTLESS EVENT KEEP HAPPENING DESPITE BANNED MARKETS WORLDWIDE & GLOBAL PROTESTS BY MILLIONS? OUR GOVT. NEEDS TO STOP SUBSIDIZING THESE SADISTIC 'HUNTERS' (they aren't even human!?) & END IT!
In light of news that Polar Bears (whose preferred prey = seals) are starving due to polar ice regression, those same useless 'fishermen' (= welfare bums who mostly just rely on Govt. handouts now, having over fished the seas to death) could migrate seals north-wards to let Nature take its course.. NO Canadian has the right to murder wildlife, let alone in such a cold-blooded & demeaning manner: our Constitution says we must be STEWARDS OF OUR LAND & WILDLIFE! & the Seal Hunt violates these tenets X10 - as well as the laws of decency.. It's wrong & must end!
Third - this article was originally posted same day in 2013: & STILL NOTHING'S CHANGED! I'm FURIOUS! FUCK THIS GOVT.. & #FuckTrudeau! (=Yet another Cdn. PM unfit for office..)
I just received an[other] email from one of the big non-profits of which i am a member, requesting [yet more] $upport to stop Canada's Commercial Seal Hunt --decorated with a disturbingly familiar photo of a bloodied east-coast ice field covered with the butchered bodies of darling baby seals: their distressed mamas (who are forced to watch) not in view-- & i began to FUME [again]. WHAT ABOUT PROMISES OF AN 'IMMINENT' SHUT-DOWN? WHAT WAS DONE WITH ALL THE SUPPORT FROM LAST YEAR? THE YEAR BEFORE?? (Must add up to MILLION$+!! NO EXAGGERATION)
SO now --provoked to seething, wounded rage (hence a flurry of activism --giving, giving til i'm only good for hangin ouT 2 dry)-- i recall this time last year 'they' had virtually guaranTeed success via Senator Harb's bill proposing buy-outs of those soulless Newfie sadists. Instead? I'm forced to guess that Harbie's bill did NOT go thru --WHAT? WITH ALL THAT BACK-UP? (YES the seal 'hunt' iS one of non-profits' biggest campaigns guaranteeing donations in the thousand$, if not million$, & signatures from 90,000+ people on at least 5 petitions/year: uh-huh A LOTTA peops want it to end!!) Doesn't take me long to figure that the wrenching turmoil of another bloody season of heartbreak & indignities inflicted on Canadian wildlife is imminent.. & there's nothing i --nor apparently anyone from PETA, IFAW or any other group 'committed' to ending this ATROCITY-- can do to convince my Govt. to stop the suffering before it starts again..
Now i'm really stressed.. & for the first time since joining that organization i find myself doubting their commitment to this wrenching cause. (cuz i just saw Iggy Pop renouncing it on TV!!?)
So I wrote them a letter - now featured on my Care2.com page:
Feel free to sign any or all of the petitions shown in that article!
[Photo of Brigitte Bardot with seal pup courtesy Paul Watson of SeaShepherd]
Liberation BC's About the Seal Hunt