iT's time 2 UNLearn the BS & ReFResh..

February 21, 2011

To OVFA...

[My guestbook comment on Our Voices For Animals website, 01/05/2011]

OVFA, i admire your work very much - Sabrina's writings are particularly moving, and strike a resonant chord. I've loved animals since I was little - as most children do: our natural instinct from day one. Not to belittle, or to eat, or to use for any other selfish human purpose. That the opposite has been encouraged by even those considered “good” people for so long is perplexing, if not upsetting at the deepest level of my being. I too aspire to a world in which animals are respected as fellow creatures, and treated by all humans with compassion and kindness. Only then, as Albert Schweitzer once said, is there any hope of being happy - now or in future...